LinkedIn’s big. It’s the 3rd biggest social media site and the no.1 business to business site in the world.Despite the fact that there are now almost 500m people on Linkedin, it still surprises me how few actually use it effectively for their Personal Brand & never receive any real benefits ... [View Post]
The Hustler’s Guide to $1,420 Free Ad Credit
When creating our startup’s launch strategy, for many of us the number beside our marketing budget can be a big fat zero.Of course this can make things challenging, but we’re entrepreneurs so we love a challenge, right?I always believe that when it comes to marketing, you always pay in one of ... [View Post]
The Ultimate Guide to Reading a Book a Week
Once upon a time in a bathtub… January last year I set myself the goal of reading a book a week. Now one year later I’m happy to report back that not only did I achieve this, but it was one of the most satisfying & rewarding new habits I’ve adopted in years.I achieved this without any speed ... [View Post]
Get my book, The Growth Toolkit, for Free!
My new ebook: The Growth Toolkit has arrived. And you can download it today for free.Why the Growth Toolkit?One of the questions I’m regularly asked by entrepreneurs is: what are the best tools to help with growing your startup?I remember countless times staying up into the early hours of the ... [View Post]
How to Talk 10x Bigger about your Startup
Recently I’ve been lucky enough to spend quite a bit of time travelling between San Francisco and London (where Adludio has its HQ)During these visits I became aware of a fundamental difference in the way entrepreneurs talk about their startups in the Valley and the UK (and probs everywhere else ... [View Post]