What Great Goals Are you Working Towards (and what’s holding you back?)
In this post I’d like to ask you an important question:
What great goals are you working towards (and what’s holding you back?)
So technically there might be two questions in there – sue me
Having great goals you’re working towards is one of the most powerful motivators to achieve great things – it’s also one of the main reasons I started this blog. I’d love to help you achieve yours.
Later in this post I’ll ask you to share what your goals are, and what you think is holding you back, but first let me tell you 4 reasons why these two questions are so important:
4 Reasons why sharing your goals and roadblocks are so important:
1) The very act of deciding what your goals and admitting your roadblocks are, in themselves the first steps towards achieving them. It makes forces you to clarify your thoughts and focus on what you want to achieve most
2) Admitting these goals and roadblocks in public gives us you a sense of accountability. It turns a pie in the sky idea into an inspirational dream worth pursuing.
This is the very reason why I share my life goals and crazy targets I’m working towards so publically – it forces me to focus and makes we want to achieve them even more.
It’s really empowering and it only works – I highly recommend you try it
3) Sharing your goals and roadblocks may inspire someone else reading this – to do something amazing.
No matter what stage you’re at, or what trouble you’re facing – rest assured someone else out there is experiencing something similar to you. Your goals and roadblocks can help give them the inspiration they need.
4) Sharing these will help me, and others reading this, help you achieve your goals – so I can offer advice and share my experience to better help you reach your goals. I’d love to help.
We’re all here to do awesome things like startup a business, change the world or journey into space. By helping each other we can all get there faster
So let’s hear it.
If you have a minute right now, I’d love to know what you’re working toward at the moment.
What are you trying to change about your life? What’s your biggest and most pressing goal? Are you Starting a business – or something else completely? What’s keeping you from achieving that? What are you frustrated by? What makes you want to give it all in sometimes?
Please Share Yours in the comments below