How do you use Setbacks to fuel your future success? How do you focus enough to build multiple streams of income? How do you get successful people to coach you?
In this interview I caught up with Carrie Wilkerson, author of the Barefoot Executive and mentor to over 100,000 successful entrepreneurs. Carrie’s got a really inspirational story – she overcame $100,000+ of debt, battled depression and weight problems to launch her first business which became hugely successful.
In this interview you will learn:
- Why adversity can make us more successful
- What’s the number 1 reason most people fail (and how to overcome it)
- How to use Mentors and Masterminds to accelerate learning and success
- How you can ask anyone to be your mentor
- Why an Irishman should never attempt to pronounce Guy Kawasaki’s name
Check it out:
Buy the book: The Barefoot Executuve
Get a Free Chapter of her Book
Your Turn: What did you think of Carrie’s advice? Share your thoughts in the comments below…