Thinking of starting a blog but not sure where to start? Worried you might choose the wrong topic? Want that blog to become your day job?
In this interview I caught up with Emilie Wapnik, founder of, author of Renaissance Business, make your multi-potentiality your day job and owner of the world’s coolest shirt! I’ve known about Emilie for quite a while now and seen how, in just under a year, she started a blog, built a thriving community, quit her day job and now does what she loves full time (blogging, writing and helping others).
Emilie helps new bloggers decide what their blogs should be about (which from my experience is one of the most stressful parts of starting a new blog). Her new book, Renaissance Business, brings you through a step by step process how to decide what your blog should be about, how to make it unique and snazzy & how to grow a thriving community.
I wish her book was out when I started my blog – it would have saved my weeks of stress! It’s exactly what a new blogger needs – no hype, just great advice. Even after reading it now I’m making changes to my blog on the back of it. Thanks Emilie.
In this interview you will learn:
- How to choose the blog topic that’s right for you
- Why NOT to listen to the advice most business coaches will give you
- What is the most important element you need to decide on
- How to bring something unique to your blog
- How to grow a thriving community
Check it out:
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