Here’s where I report on how I’m progressing towards my goals of making $1 million in 999 days.
Each month I report on exactly how much I made, what things I’ve learned, what I’ve achieved, and of course, all the mistakes I’ve done (oh yes – I’m NEVER short on material for that section!). Expect my report the first week of each new month.
My goal is to be completely transparent to you – you’ll see what’s working for me, what’s not, and what my strategies are. That way when you decide to go it alone, whether it be for $1, $1 million, $1 billion, or just for fun – you won’t have to make all the mistakes I did. Hey, wouldn’t that make it so much easier?
Report 2 (sorry for the gap since last report – it’s been nuts recently)
- Started working in a full-time job for the first time in 6 years! It’s with a amazing startup with massive aspirations (I talk about how I got to this point in this blog article) – learning loads with them right now.
- I see working with a high growth startup as a core part of my million dollar journey – less for the money I’ll earn (although it will allow me to clear my debts built up form past 10 years and save enough to be able to sustain myself when I launch my own business in the near future) but more for
- What I will learn
- Being exposed to the mentality in a high growth, funded startup
- Being around great, talented people – and making lots of rockstar developer contacts (which I’ll need down the line)
- Moved to centralLondon– being in the middle of things in such a great city is awesome!
- Became single again for the first time in almost 3 years (feels a little weird TBH)
- Met one of my entrepreneurial hero’s
The Stats
- Income in past month: £2.7K GBP (man it would be SO MUCH more if I didn’t have to pay taxes – grrrrr)
- Overall net worth: – £6K GBP (loans outstanding for student & business loans built up over past 6 years)
Main things I learnt
- Being really driven and ambitious can mean you having to make difficult decisions – gotta trust your gut as to what the right thing is. It’s all you got
- Depending of your background – I believe that working for a high growth Startup could be the single best thing to do – I’m learning TONS right now including:
- How to optimise virality in a business/social game
- Advanced Facebook display advertising strategies
- Amplifying messages through channels with established large audiences (sports/music personalities)
- Working full-time brings its challenges when also wanting to blog 5 times a week – struggled with it this month. Taught me a big lesson that I need to outsource/automate more – watch this space
- Reaching out to people you admire is easier than you think – I’m going to do this more often and push myself to meet people I would normally not consider possible
Plans for next month
- Automate/outsource every aspect of this blog except the creation of content. This should free up my time so I can post more regularly (3 times a week minimum)
- Begin pushing my main startup idea Internalized again now I’ve found my routine a bit better in my new job
- Plan is to have validated many of my core assumptions for this idea by this time next month
- Create a full timeplan for my million dollar challenge – 870 days to go! – Will have this for you for next Monday
- Join/create a high-quality Masterminds & one experienced mentor
- Need to begin generating some income outside my day job (with it affecting my day job performance) will be back to you on this one
- Create a great email series for this blog
- Keep chipping away at my debt – my goal is to be completely NET positive by NYE
What I need help with
Looking to connect with experienced entrepreneurs to interview for this blog – if you have any suggestions please let me know
Million Dollar Report 2, Startup Remarkable
Howard: Hi everyone, Howard from here. And this is the second of my monthly updates on my million dollar challenge to get to a million dollars in 999 days. And in this video I’m going to tell you a little bit about what I have done over the past month, what I have learned, what I am going to do over the next month and how I feel I am doing so far.
So, the last month, actually, it has been two months since my last video. The last kind of two months is kind of crazy times for me because, yeah, I have got a lot of good things, positive things, I think everything that happened in the last two months has been really [really] positive but some big [big] changes. So, first one I broke up with my long-term girlfriend, moved in to, I think that was the right thing, I moved in to Central London. I was living here a bit outside over here in the UK. I was living a little bit outside. And also I began working in full-time job my first official fulltime job in six years and with a startup business.
And how does that fit into my million dollar challenge you might ask? Going out and working for somebody else. Well, for me, it was always been a part of the plan to work with a really high growth startup company. I feel I need to be in that environment to learn. Learn what it takes to grow a business really [really] fast. And also just being around that [kind of] type of talented people that have that sort of mindset of growing a really [really] big business. So, that’s what I’m doing for the moment. It is a social gaming company and, yeah, they are really [really] ambitious and growing really fast already. So, that’s really where I have been over the last month or so.
Things I have learned, yeah, I learned a couple of things. A big challenge adjusting to working full-time. So, I’ve learned that I have to work differently to be able to have spend time to update this blog and to work on my own business outside my full-time job which is ultimately where I see me making my million dollars and really growing. It has to come to that business I’ve been working on outside my full-time business. So, that’s a challenge because the full-time job I am in takes up a lot of the time. So, I haven’t really quite cracked that yet.
I am working hard on putting, trying to outsource as much as I can at the moment and I’ll keep you filled in on that but I’m not quite there yet. But the goal is everything on my blog, other than content creation; I’m going to outsource or automate so I’ll be everything afar from the actual writing of the blog post or shooting the videos. Everything else, somebody else, other people would do. And that’s the same for my business. I will out everything that I need to do to move along my business that I’m pursuing which I internalized, I have to completely be able to delegate that. So that’s all about putting certain procedures in place so people are able to do it without me being there. It’s a challenge but it is a fun one at the same time.
So, how do I think I’m doing? When I look at, when I’m writing down how much money I have made and the fact that I need to get to a million dollars I look and then go, “Hey, I have a hell of a long way to go still.” But, I am exactly where I wanted to be right now. Working, the job I got is absolute dream one, and what I’m gonna learn in that I’m gonna be really [really] well set up to run my thing afterwards.
Yeah, I’m really happy there’s a lot of kinda changes I have to do [you know] whether moving and also with my girlfriend, stuff like that. And, yeah, it’s kinda been really [really] big kinda one or two months for me and things are looking good.
So, I’ll see you back here in a month and I’ll tell you how I’m doing. Cheers!