I had a Dream….
Martin Luther, Churchill, JFK – all were able to deliver speeches that inspired millions to take action.
Public speaking is something I’m passionate about and when delivered correctly, can motivate and inspire you to take action, and do those extra sales calls/lines of code/hours in the office – even when your morale is low.
In this post I list four speeches that I keep going back to when I’m looking for motivation and inspiration.
Some you may already know some of these, and some are hopefully is a first time for you. Either way – all are guaranteed to inspire. This is a short post, as I’ll leave the talking to the men and women in the speeches below
Neil Gaimen – Addresses the University of the Arts
Because sometime it’s hard to remember to enjoy the ride
Eric Thomas – Secrets to Success
FOr pure motivation, nothing beats Eric Thomas’s famed speech. He gave it in a classroom but I like this version someone did with an athlete training even more.
JK Rowling – Harvard Commencement
One of the most powerful speeches on failure out there(particularly the first half of the speech).
Steve Job’s Stanford Commencement Speech
One speech that probably needs no introduction. Essential listening for all. Stay foolish…