What book has had the biggest impact on your life? What book, while you were reading it, made you think: ‘Wow – I’ve never thought of things like that before’?
Well, you’re not alone. Time and time again – successful people say that ‘reading inspirational books’ was one of the most important factors to their success – but which inspirational books exactly?
For this post, I reached out to some of the most successful business people/bloggers and authors out there and asked each one what book had the biggest impact on their lives.
In this post I’ll share 6 of these with you and at the bottom of this post I’ll ask you to share what book has had the biggest impact on your life!
1 Seth Godin
Book(s) that have inspired you more than any other?
(1) The Republic of Tea and
(2) Zig Ziglar’s How to Stay Motivated audio series
2 Adam L Penenberg (author of Viral Loop)
Book(s) that have inspired you more than any other?
(1) The Lean Startup by Eric Ries
Adam says ‘Should be required reading’
3 Chris Guilleabeau (The Art of Non-Conformity Blog, & Author)
Book(s) that have inspired you more than any other?
How about two? I pick:
(1) Man’s Search for Meaning, by Viktor Frankl,
(2) A Wild Sheep Chase by Haruki Murakami.
4 Chris Brogan (Author, Social Media guru on high)
Book(s) that have inspired you more than any other?
(1) The 7 Habits of highly Effective People – Steven Covey
5 Laura Roeder (Lauraroeder.com & the Dash)
Book(s) that have inspired you more than any other?
(1) Double Double is my business bible, in fact our entire team is currently going through it chapter-by-chapter to put Cameron’s guidance in place.
6 James Altucher (Trader, Investor, Author, Entrepreneur)
Book(s) that have inspired you more than any other?
(1) The Rational Optimist by Matt Ridley (on the non-fiction side).
(2) All of Bukowski’s books (for blog-like strong autobiographical literary voice).
Want to see more? A longer list of ‘most influencial books’ read by people is listed in the hidden chapter I give away in The Startup Handbook – download it for free now