I'm Kind of a big deal!
What’s the 1 thing you that will take you less than one hour to create that can instantly make you stand out from the crowd; helping you get that job/client/business partner? (Hint: it’s not a Lemon meringue pie – although that could help too)
It’s your very own ‘I’m kind of a big deal’ blog
So, you’re here and reading this so I’m not going to insult your intelligence giving you the reasons why you need a blog (if you’re insure, read any of Seth Godin’s books) – instead I’m just going to tell you how to build one.
But not build one in an old fashioned, slow, difficult way, no no no – that would suck.
I’m going to tell you how to build your own blog, from zero to hero – in less than 1 hour.
If you don’t think it’s worth an hour of your time to move one step closer to awesomeness, we won’t be talking much more.
If you’ve any doubts in your mind if you can build your own blog – chill. Believe me, you have no need to worry, building websites and blogs is just so easy now, at least the kind we need.
We got a deal? OK – so hold tight, just follow these easy steps.
Step 1 – Buy your domain and get it hosted
First off, I’m taking it you already have a name for your blog. If not, decide one (put in the comments below if you’re having trouble with what you want to name your blog).
So – first off just follow these instructions:
Links: Dreamhost hosting (affiliate link)
I’ve organised a special Promo code for you to use that gets you $50 off – nice!
Step 2 – Put lipstick on your piglet!
Right now it’s time to put on the party decorations
Follow these instructions:
Once you’ve done this, you’d want to tweak a few things:
- Go to Permalinks on your Dashboard Settings. Type in /%postname%/ to Custom Structure then Save.
- Add some plugins – see video
- Get some graphics/pictures
- Try www.fiverr.com
- www.istockphoto.com
- Flickr.com is also great – just make sure you selected ‘creative commons’ on the advanced search section – or you could get in trouble!
Step 3 – Add your posts
So Shakespeare – you’ve got a blog, time to get writing.
Here’s how to add your content to your blog:
Step 4 – Get it ranking on Google
Now – you’ve a bonafide website! Time to tap Google on the shoulder and tell him you’ve home.
I already wrote a tasty little beginners guide to Search Engine Optimisation a few weeks ago so I recommend you go check it out
Hope that’s been useful for you – please tell me how you get on and send me a link to your finished site
Oh – and spread the word 🙂